Hope that still gets to be 21 YEARS :-) How awesome would that be???? Week's been going well, FLEW past! Went to gym before work TWICE, pretty impressed with myself. Went to visit Jolandi twice (more about that later), had supper and some cocktail(s) with Chris and a friend, Cristy, which was great. Tonight my dad and I just cleaned the flat a bit, I prepared supper and now chilling a bit. Almost on my way to bath and bed!
Jolandi's been doing great, she had another small setback... due to air seeping into ger chest cavity through one of the holes where a drainage pipe used to be, her one lung colapsed and she had to get a draining pipe again :-( Oh well, at least it's not too serious. Was allowed with her in her room (out of ICU!) for the first time yesterday, so was great just to chat. Going for bloods again tomorrow morning, so will do an early morning pop-in!
This weekend's going to be BUSY :-D Tomorrow after work we're having work teambuilding: GO-CARTS!!!!! Yay, can't wait :-) On Sunday is the World's Biggest Walk, which is going to be at the JHB Zoo. It's going to be awesome, and looking forward to it a lot! On Sat Chris and I might celebrate our anniversary that we missed out on last week.
So there's some good stuff lined up, hope your weekend is a good one too! Will be posting some pics too next time, it's been a while!