Tuesday, July 21, 2015

San Fran Day outing

Today Chris and I went to the city on our own. We had to use the Caltrain, followed by BART (Bay Area Rapid Transport), and then bought day passes for the cable cars. I left my guidebook at home :-( So we didn't have much to go by except my memory, but had a great day. Saw Fisherman's wharf, Chinatown, hiked the steep hill which is Lombard Street to the crooked section (had to rest like 5 times, felt crazy long and steep!), had ice cream in Washington Park, and some other random stuff. All in all we walked like 15km!!! Well done lungies and yay for sea-level altitude!
So tonight legs are tired, abs and ribs are stiff from laughing so much and the iFLY. Tomorrow Anna and I are doing Great America.... rollercoaster heaven apparently!!!! Can't wait, and hopefully have a good night of SLEEP in between!


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