Thursday, April 12, 2018

Life update (a non-holiday post for a change)

It's been almost a month since I've done a "normal" blog post! I was in Cape Town this past weekend, so there is another "holiday" blog post in the pipeline, but for now I thought I'd just do a catch-up post re life in general.

We drove back from Storms River on Easter Friday. On the Saturday was Adriaan's first birthday party!!! His actual birthday was on the 3rd of April. How much our family's lives have changed in a year!!! New lungs for me and a baby boy in the family! His party was great fun. He is growing up and changing so fast at the moment... every time I see him there is something different!

On the Sunday Andrew hosted an Easter lunch... The Roast Potatoes were AMAZING.... Possibly the best thing I've ever tasted in my life. The rest of the food was also bloody fantastic. What a great afternoon!

My last Dr's appointment was also brilliant. My lung function has increased by quite a bit from the previous time, even to my Dr's surprise. Everything was great, and I feel truly healthy, the breathing obviously being the best part! My lung function hasn't been this good in like 5 years. Hopefully it still goes up more, but if it doesn't that's totally fine. It's "normal". The sleeping-pill quitting is also going well. If I've been struggling for more than 3 hours to fall asleep then I take a quarter pill. It only happens about once a week though, 

I've entered for the National Transplant Games taking place in PE in July... my events are squash and 100 sprint! Lots of prep that needs to be done but I'm working on it!!!! I've upped my level of exercise, so hopefully I stay healthy (I had a cold a while back that lasted for 4 WEEKS!). I should be fairly prepared by then! Exciting times.

Love Life; Gift Life has been fortunate to attend 3 amazing lectures/talks in the last month or so. Two were at the WITS Ethics Symposium, and last night there was one by a Prof from Flanders.These have been so interesting and insightful. I would never have been able to do these kinds of things with the old lungs, my O2's battery power wouldn't last nearly long enough. Or my energy levels.

I also saw one of my school friends who lives in London now, James. He came to SA for his sister's wedding and spent a night with us in Joburg last week. Was super nice to catch up with him too. That's all I can think of now!


Anonymous said...

Such a joyful post! Thank you for sharing so openly about your life. So happy for you that it is going great now!
Sherry Boyle

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful adventure!!

Sherry Boyle