Thursday, May 7, 2015

2 months and 3 days to take-off! (and lung prep-talk)

That's how long before we depart for the US of A! STAY STRONG FOR THIS ONE LUNGIES!!! Once we get back you can do whatever the hell you want :-p So I've mentioned the we are going to Big Sur as soon as we arrive in California, and I can now add that we are going to Murphys (where Anna's folks have a house) for the last 4 days of our trip! In between these 2 trips there will be San Fransisco, rollercoasters, probably Yosemite National Park, Santa Cruz.... eeeekkkkkkk.

All the motivation needed for the next 8 weeks..... I just need to keep focusing on this. #StayStrong lungs, you can do this. Won't ask anything from you again after this!

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