Thursday, May 21, 2015

88 monthses!

Tomorrow it's been 88 months of togetherness for me and the new lungs. Thank you lungies for being awesome and I'm sorry my immune system is an asshole :-(

Have survived first week back (so far) after being sick. Lungs feeling good, just feel like I am so tired still and need like a month of sleep! Hopefully after this weekend that will be better. Next week I will brave the gym again and slowly start getting "fit" again.

Saw the ENT for another sinus check-up yesterday. Feeling sooooo frustrated because after a sinus x-ray, sinus CT, nasal swab that showed infection, and 3 ENT visits it turns out I just need take pain meds, carry on using the nasal spray and sinus rinse and hope for the best. Sinus issues are a part of having CF, but it's never really bothered me like it has recently. I don't take pain meds for "bearable" pain, as I feel my poor kidneys have enough to deal with, so I try to stick to "necessary" meds (ie pic below). I'm just venting though, so please don't give me more sinus advise :-p

By the way, see here for an exciting new drug treating MY mutation of CF! (too late for me as old lungs are long gone, but it's awesome!). I have Facebook CF friends who were part of the trials and they are all very positive about it.

Tomorrow also marks 7 weeks to go to our trip!!!! We have collected out Visa's this week so that's all sorted. Excitement!!!!

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