I had my Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy 8 days ago. To be honest it's been the easiest surgery I've ever had. The build up to it (admin, biopsies, pap smears, bloods, uncertainty regarding whether I'll keep my ovaries) was much worse than the actual procedure. I spent 1 night in hospital post op, in ICU. Was home less than 24 hours after the surgery. And I DID get to keep my ovaries... they were deemed "pristine" and not worth removing, for which I am very glad. No early menopause!!!! Thank goodness. There's hardly been any pain, felt more like I overdid it with a lower ab workout. Medical advancements blow my mind!
The selfie was taken about an hour after I woke up. The oxygen was mandatory in ICU, although I did manage to subtly get rid of it after a few hours and no one said anything. Had to inject myself with Clexane for a week to prevent clotting, which I'm done with now. The next step is my check-up on Thursday with the surgeon. She'll remove the plasters and hopefully give me the all-clear to drive again. Then my life can basically go back to normal. Also need to find out what the rules are regarding exercise. Right now I'm only allowed to walk. It will probably be that way for a bit. At least once I can drive again, I can also go and walk at the gym, for some variation and more Vitality points.
I spent last week at my parents' house. Working a bit, taking naps, watching The Crown and building a puzzle. On Saturday morning my dad was kind enough to drive me to breakfast with Robyn. She's a long time friend who had her kidney transplant just a month after I had my first lung transplant. We were roommates at our first World Transplant Games in 2009 in Australia. She lives in East London, so was great to be able to catch up with her again.
I'm very happy to be back at my own place now since Sat afternoon. Tay-Tay (the kitty who chose me) is very glad that I'm back. Counting the days till this rather crappy month and year is over (it could have been much worse, and I was healthy, so trying not to complain too much). I have one lung check-up left as well, on the 1st of December. Really hoping that goes well and that I can end the year off on a good note medically.