Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Birthday Month

It's August!!! July flew past, but not complaining! Really not much news here, hence the lack of blog posts. This month is a busy one though. It's Organ Donation Awareness month so have a lot of TELL interviews lined up. I turn 36 at the end of the month, yay! It would have also been my/our 10 year wedding anniversary this Friday, which is a difficult day for me. Just want it over and done with.

Adriaan is back in school, so I don't see him that often anymore. VERY happy for his sake that he can be with his friends again. He enjoys it so much. 

I've had some outside outings with Andrew, Brendan and Marius! It's been the highlight of those weeks! We're going to try and make it an "every Sunday" thing! And the weather is starting to warm up! Yay! 

I've also been spending time in the garden, and hanging newly framed pictures in my cottage. It's looking pretty perfect now! When I'm not working I have also rediscovered colouring in and building puzzles. It reminds me of both times when I was waiting for lungs, but it's quite soothing to do while watching Netflix. I've also finished a massive blanket I've been crocheting! It looks great on my bed and has been super handy during some cold fronts we've had!

Can't wait for spring to start showing. Joburg is looking really yellow and dead. A lot of my succulents have died with some bad frost we had. Some signs of hope and life in nature would be great right about now!

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