Thursday, February 12, 2009

You know you're getting up too early when...

  • it's pitch dark when you wake up...
  • you have breakfast at 5am and by 9am you feel like lunch already...
  • you get to work at 6am... AND...
  • you enter the office to be met by the alarm going off... because you're the first one at the office...
  • the alarm wants you to enter the code which you obviously don't know, because no sane person is at work at that hour...
  • so you run out again, and stand in the hallway listening to the alarm going off properly...

So that's what happened yesterday!!!! Was really blind, and luckily one of the (more friendly) managers showed up a few mins after the alarm went off to save me from the embarrassment!!! Luckily I DO know the code now... for future reference!

What else? The studying is going slowly... hard to get back into that mindset after almost 3 years of not doing it. Also, being at the office as just after 6 means I'm there for 11 hours of the day, which is quite draining. BUT, it's also great, as I'd NEVER be able to do it with my old lungs... I would hardly have been able to go for that long without nebulising!!! So it's all good. Went to gym last night and hanged out a bit with Chris on Tuesday night.

Can't WAIT for this weekend, cos it's VALENTINES DAY and my mom will be here!!!! Normally I hate Valentine's day, but for obvious reasons it won't be the case this year ;-) We're all wearing red to work tomorrow too, so that will also be fun. Anyway... still have some stuff to do before bed, so have to love and leave you... night!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know what you mean my last job I worked from 6:30am-3pm. It was nice to leave so early in the day but when you're ready for lunch at 9 and dinner at noon it's weird, no matter how long you've been working those hours it's just weird, at least it was for me. Street lights weren't even working when I'd be walking to the bus. I'm glad you have the alarm code now!