“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Weekend and reminder:

Friday, March 27, 2009
Update and news...
MY SISTER’S COMING TO VISIT NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO excited, as I haven’t seen her since Xmas… Already planning all the things that we’re going to get up to!!! She’s landing on Thursday morning and leaving again on Monday morning. Only 6 sleeps….
Also, I’ve found a coach for the 3km race walk!!!! He’s from the university, and my first training session is tomorrow morning at 8am at the track… pretty nervous, as I’ll be training with other (non-transplant and very fit) athletes… but it’s something I have to do, and after the first time it’ll be easier to go!! So wish me LUCK… I also gymmed 4 times this week, so calves are a bit stiff… hopefully they’ll be fine tomorrow.
I went to the Transplant Group Network meeting
for the first time last night, and it was very cool… mostly people waiting for transplant and a few post transplant. Dominee Japie, die guy who councilled me before I got pushed in theatre and talked to my parents and prayed with us led it, so was great to see him again too. Wish I had a meeting like that to go to pre-tx… it’s really an excellent tool.
What else? Oh, I’m going to be featured in an article about the WTG! Had an interview and going for photo-shoot on Tuesday afternoon!!! Should be fun!
Don’t think there’s much happening this weekend, apart from my training session, but should be nice to relax a bit, as the following weekends will be BUSY with road-trips and weddings and parties!!!!!! April’s definitely going to be one AWESOME month :-D
Had bloods done again this week to see how my CMV virus is doing, but haven’t got the results back yet, as my Dr’s been at some lung converence in Brussels the whole week. Should hear on Monday by the latest, but feeling so much more energetic and not slightly nauseous anymore, so I’m sure the gastly expensive pills did their job…
Anyhow… have a good weekend!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
14 months with new lungs...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tough test and great weekend!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Post # 333

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Weekend and JP Morgan and stuff

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
mid-week update!
Also, I'VE GOT A DATE FOR MY EXAM!!!! Friday the 13th. (I chose the date, not supersticious, lol!) So 11 days of studying left, and getting up at 4am. It's going to be tough, but then I can breathe a bit again!!!
Got an e-mail last night from a publicist representing a Don Warner, a guy who wrote a memoir about his duaghter who had CF, called WALKS ON THE BEACH WITH ANGIE... "For the month of March, Mr. Warner is donating 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the book to help send kids to Camp Pelican in Louisiana. Camp Pelican is for kids with CF and other pulmonary disorders" So to find out more about Mr Warner, the book, or the camp, go here: http://www.angelawarnerfoundation.org/. Obviously primarily for the US readers (the camp), but I would've loved to go to that type of thing when I was younger.
So enjoy the rest of your week, only 2 days left till the WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A bit more relaxed...

The pic is one I took on Thursday morning on the way to work. Joburg skyline @ just before 6am! It was so pretty I just had to stop and take a pic on my phone! Luckily it's a quiet road just outside where we stay, so no traffic (because there IS traffic at 6am...)
Other news... on Thursday while gymming I feel a funny feeling in my chest. I can't explain it, as it wasn't a sharp pain or anything. The only stupid explanation I could think of is that it felt like my lung was nervous. Like butterflies in your tummy, but in my right lung when I'm breathing deeply. So on Friday I went to see my Dr (lung Dr, not pshycologist, lol!!!!), just to be safe rather than sorry. Well my lung functions were fine, and chest sounded "brilliant". This weekend when I was gymming, and especially with squash today, it felt the same. BUT I've realised it's only when I'm keeping myself upright. When I'm on the stationary bike with a back-rest and can sit back while cycling or lie down I don't feel a thing. So... I'm going to suppose it's a muscle that I somehow hurt or something. Anyway... time will tell!!!
Another annoying thing is that I'm feeling SOOO lethargic when gymming. Like my body is just tired. So it's either a) CMV or b)being too busy. I'm going to blame option "a". Damn virus!!!! Hopefully the R18 000 per month pill I'm taking for 3 months (at least) sorts that out. Because I'm not going to stop being busy.
Apart from that I have no complaints. Going to try and write my exam for work next Friday, so that I can sleep a bit more. Going to count out my medication for the week now, and then start getting ready for bed. Hope you have a great week!