So as you may have noticed it wasn't a great year health-wise. Without a doubt the worst since my transplant. I don't think my lung function will improve in 2014 but if it could just stop dropping and if I can carry on with the photopheresis I'll be happy as hell. It will definitely be the most uncertain year for me since transplant too. Work-wise I would like to work and stress less than I did in 2013 and have more time for gym, as it's more important right now. Also very much looking forward to our holiday in April... I will have 3 weeks off which will include a week in Mapungubwe close to Botswana. It will also be great having my sis and Pierre in the same city....
So in having said that, the only resolution for 2014 is NEVER GIVE UP.
P.S. In other news... I got a tattoo 2 weeks ago to celebrate 6 years post transplant and surviving 2013... I will be judged for it and I'm sure a lot of people won't like it but I love it and I don't really care much what others think of it (it was done by a paramedic and VERY VERY hygienically so my health was not at risk). My donor's son had a beautiful huge tattoo done to honour his mother and I sent him a picture of mine and he loved it. His one included the date 21.01.2008, so I feel like mine is a continuation of his. I'm sure I don't need to explain the obvious metaphors!
So there you go folks... please keep on following this blog!