Thursday, October 24, 2013

Worst 2 photopheresis days so far

I've had 2 days from hell, the Drs in Pretoria didn't want to use my groin because I'm on warfarin due to the blood clot (and that's a whole controversy on it's own) so they had to use my arms. They inset a very big and thick needle in the left arm where it bends for sucking out the blood, and another normal drip for the blood to go back. The arm used for sucking out the blood hurt like crap the entire time, and I've never had such a painful needle-experience EVER. In total I was poked with needles 10 times. I look like an abused person now (again, thanks to the warfarin) and feel like a pin cushion. And left arm still pretty damn sore.

I have now completed the 12 sessions that Discovery approved. So now they need to apply for more maintenance treatment (sounds like it will be 1 day of photo every 2 weeks... not sure for how long). Let's hope it gets approved...

Back @ work tomorrow, hopefully I'll feel more rested by then. Not much planned for the weekend, but pretty much need to recover from this week. And need to go for bloods again to check warfarin levels... have I mentioned I hate this drug??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear it was so rough on you. Praying for you . . .