When 4pm came, I was finally pushed into theatre, and as soon as I saw all those people all scrubbed up and all the silver "implements" being "prepared" (more like knives being sharpened), it dawned on me that this is really IT. Time to part with my old lungs. Even though they were CRAP and gave me a hard time, they still tried their best and got me all the way to 23... much further than was expected (the Drs told my parents there was a 20% chance of me actually reaching 20). So I started crying... but only for a few mins, before they put me under. And that's all I remember about this day a year ago... surgery was 7 hours long and I was taken to ICU at about midnight.
So this morning I went to work for about an hour to do the most important stuff, after which I headed straight to Milpark. Had x-rays done, and by some miracle no ribs are broken (having been on Prednisone for 18 years of my life, which reduces bone density, this really is good news), but some might be cracked, as apparently you can't always see that on an x-ray. So Dr gave me Trans Act patch and some more wonderfull painpills... In bed now, and going to take a nap soon, as with all the pain I didn't sleep much last night.
The people from the athletics track in Pretoria confirmed my booking for 9am on Sat morning to try and qualify for Aus... Murphy really has some sick sense of humour, as
I NEVER get hurt, and now, 2 days before I wanted to try again, my foot, thigh, ribs and back are sore, and I can't even walk SLOWLY without PAIN. So I'm going to have to cancel for this weekend, and maybe find out if I can try next weekend if I've got less pain then...I'm obviously also thinking about my donor family a lot today, and especially yesterday... hope they realise how much their gift has meant to me. I don't think anyone that hasn't received an organ or had a child that has received an organ realises the level of gratefullness, that words cannot really explain. All you can do is thank God...
Tonight Chris and my dad and I are going out for STEAK... don't care how sore I am, I WANT STEAK!!!! Oh, and for everyone who have been reading my blog since my transplant, happy 1year of reading my blog, lol!
Yeah!!! So glad you're doing so well!!!
Came over from CFHusband's blog! CONGRATULATION on your 1 year anniversary! We are so happy for you! You look beautiful! Celebrate your day, you life! God Bless You!!!!
West Virginia
Congrats on doing well!
Happy one year! Here's to MANY more years!
Happy 1 year anniversary with your new, wonderful lungs!!! I wish you many, many more years in your perfect relationship!
Nassau, Bahamas
Alice -
Been following you for just over a year now and, although I am SO sorry for your slip and soreness, I am so happy for the wonderful life you have been living since your transplant. Your blog has been a delight to read. My own D, about your age, has moved to ZA from the US recently, so I love getting a sense of her new environs from your pictures, travel blogs, etc. You, girl, live life to the fullest and in so doing, best honor your donor's memory. If the donor's family is aware of this, they must take comfort. My prayers for you and for them. Hope you can get to try to qualify - but I know your life is full and blessed even if that doesn't work out. (Yay for Chris to the rescue!)
Happy 1 Year anniversary. I have so enjoyed reading your story and rejoycing in your success. I'm so happy for you! Hope the ribs and
leg heal quickly!
Happy 1 year Lungiversary!!
Happy to hear you are doing so well!
Happy Transplanniversary! Happy Re-birthday! Thanks for the update. Sorry for your pain. Enjoy the steak, my lil SA friend!
refreshing in ohio, USA
Hi Alice, I heard of your story on CFhusband. Just wanted to drop a note to say CONGRATULATIONS AND HAPPY 1 YEAR AVNNIVERSARY!!!
congrats on your 1 year anniversary... good times!
kristin from TX
Congratulations and Happy 1 year! I've been reading for that solid year, first linked to you by CFHusband. Celebrating with you in Ohio, USA!!!!
Hooray and congratulations!!!!
Happy Anniversary, I heard your story a year ago shortly after I started following CFHusband's blog. I hope your ribs feel better.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! & here's to many more!
Life is good; we are blessed to have Alice and Chrislie as our daughters; we are even more blessed with Alice doing so well the past year.
We are cellebrating life today; but my thoughts and prayers are also with another family who has lost a loved one.
God bless!
I can't beleive you went and fell down the stairs, but crap happens. At least you were able to get back UP the stairs not out of breath! That's important!
Words cannot describe how happy I am for you and how excited I am that you are able to celebrate 1 year post! Hopefully I will be able to do that soon!:)
congratulations on your one year anniversary. I ahve been following you blog for a while. I hope you make the aus team for the games. olive
Congrats on one year! That's just fantastic!
Congratulations!! You are adorable and I'm so happy for you.
Happy 1 year Alice!!
Happy Transplanteversary!!!
Gefeliciteerd meis. Een jaar alweer, wat gaat het snel hè?
Op naar volgend jaar!
I've watched your blog since I found it while you were waiting for new lungs... and I was so excited for you when you got your new lungs - and to see how happy and healthy you are now is a true inspiration, Alice. You are my inspiration because you make transplant seem less scary - and more importantly, you give hope to those of us with CF who are currently getting sicker. We know that transplant can give us new life.
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us!
Lots of Love,
Nice to have people around to clean your wounds. Take care of yourself. Glad you remain in one piece.
Happy 1st year!!! and many more!!!
I was just thinking about you yesterday, for some reason you popped into my mind. Now I know why! God is so good and I'm so glad to hear that you are still doing very well.
Wishing you many more anniversaries of this wonderful day!
Happy Lungaversary! Have followed you via Nate and Tricia since the beginning a year ago and read every update but seldom sign on to comment- But know that you are prayed for so very often! Congratulations and many many more of these lungaversaries! Feel better from your fall soon!
HAPPY ONE YEAR!! Found you thru CF Husband a year ago---prayed lots for you!! Glad you are doing well, bu no more falling down the stairs--that is my trick!! LOL
Best Wishes,
Alice, do you need me to come down to SA to give Murphy a slap in the face?
Happy One Year Lungiversary. I used to follow your blog all the time and hadn't check in for some time. You look fantastic, so healthy! I will send up a little prayer for your donor family too as I know it is a tough time for them.
Happy Transplantavery - here's to many more to come
love Pauline
(Donor family in the UK)
Congrats on your milestone!
Happy Anniversary!!! So glad your doing well. (other than your trip!) LOL
Fantastic - I had been praying for you last year with your lung transplant at the same time I was praying for Tricia and Gwyneth (CFHusband's girls!).
Hope you recover from your fall too.
Congrats on your one year!
Happy one year!!!!
Hey Alice - I've been reading your blog since I found it from Nate's. Congratulations - it's great to see you getting healthier and healthier and your positive attitude is so contagious. I am a fellow-South African living in the USA with my family (my hubbie is American) and was born in Ireland, but consider SA my second home. Wishing you continued health and success and happiness in life - you deserve it!
All the best - Tricia and Family
Northern Virginia, USA
happy 1 year!!!!
its been a joy to read your blog (most) of this year and see the young woman you have blossemed into.
Happy 1st anniversary with your new lungs! I am so glad that you are doing so well and enjoying life to the fullest! I've been following you since well before your surgery a year ago, found you through Nate and Tricia's blog (CF Husband). May God continue to bless you and keep you safe for many years to come!
Just blog surfing! Congrats on your one year with your new lungs. Good luck with the ribs. I cracked my ribs a few years ago and they took forever to heal! It too was a high heel accident :)
Came over from CFHusband's blog. Happy 1 year anniversary!
Happy 1 year anniversary...I remember when you had your surgery. Congratulations on doing so well. Found you through CF Husband. Ouch on the fall down the stairs. Feel better soon.
Happy Transplantversary Alice! I've been following your blog since this day one year ago and am so delighted for all that you're doing and accomplishing! Keep celebrating your life every day!!
I am so so happy for you. What an amazing journey you've had and thank you for sharing it. To see the way you so fervently embrace life has influenced me in a great way. Congratulations, and keep on rollin'!
Great news! Hoping you see another 70 or 80 years! Prayers from South Dakota, USA.
I am so happy that you are doing well!!! I came over from the CFHusband blog to say hello :)
It's been awhile since I commented, but I wanted to say, HAPPY ONE YEAR!!! That is the best news, Alice.
Happy one year anniversary! I was so faithful in reading your blog but for some reason stopped. I am so glad to have a reminder to come back! ANd I have been thinking about you b/c I am coming to Zambia for a good part of the summer and know I will be semi close to you. Have a super week!!!
So Awesome! Happy 1 year! I am glad you didn't get hurt worse on the stairs! I hope you enjoyed your steak! It made me want some :)
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