So this day a year ago I woke up and ate chips and had a Tab (sugar-free soft drink, like Diet Coke)!!! It was the first day I remember after transplant, and I really can't say it was a bad day... the nurses were great, the Drs said I was doing FINE, my parents were SO happy to see me awake and breathing on my own (with O2 still of course)...
This weekend has turned out to be surpisingly nice, considering I woke up yesterday morning with so much pain in my ribs I contemplated not MOVING for the whole of Sat... but then the serious amounts of
pain pills I took kicked in and I did some quick shopping, and spend the rest of the afternoon more sensibly and watched House (medical drama series) with Chris on TV.
Than last night some friends and I went out for supper to celebrate my transplanteversary, which was lots of fun even though I felt a bit "out of it" again most of the time. The food and conversation was great and that's all that matters. Today my pain is MUCH less, and have only taken ONE pill for pain so far... Went to the picnic the couple at church organised, and then just watched some House again.
Getting ready for the week now... tidying up and deciding what to wear to work etc. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO
OK, blond moment... it wasn't EXACTLY a year ago, it was the Sunday... which means Tuesday it will be a year ago... but close enough!
I am SO glad to hear how well you are doing one year out from your surgery (even though you are in pain for another reason) I just pray that I do as well as you have once I get my new lungs!!
*woo hooo* :-) So glad to have known you for more than a year now!
*waving* at one of your blog readers who found me that used to live near me. :) Hi Cindy!
I *love* the birthday 1 badge you are sporting. So much has happened in this past year and I can only try and imagine how special each moment is to you, and to others who have received new lungs and other organs. Keep enjoying all those special moments :-)
Glad the rib pain is easing up too.
I love your pictures. I also read your short story last night. It is very well written. I liked it a lot.
Hallo Alice!
Love your new lay out to your blog! On the first pink lung year and all. Glad the pain is better and hoping that it will improve quickly towards the weekend.
Lekker week en lekker werk.
Mooi bly - kyk die sonsverduistering! Baie mooi.
Congrats, congrats! That's so exciting!
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