Thursday, May 14, 2015

Beatiful Coastal Drives... Less than 2 months to go... eeekkkkkkk

Anna posted this on my Facebook timeline yesterday. So firstly, OBVIOUSLY, it's awesome that SA is nr 1!!!!!!!!! Yay for our stunning stunning country, privileged to have seen so much of it.

But what is more amazing is the below:

USA: All of which makes the country pretty much perfect for road-tripping, which one can choose to do on not one, not two, but three of the twelve most beautiful coastal drives in the world - Oregon, Hana and Big Sur.

SA: In fact the country has three of the world’s ten most beautiful coastal drives including Clarens Drive and Chapman’s Peak. These were number one and number two most beautiful coastal drives respectively.

This means that Anna, Casey, Chris and I would have done 2 of the world's most beautiful drives together!!! Big Sur and Chapman's Peak :-) We will be Doing that little trip from 13-16 July so 2 month to go!!!

ALSO, we heard yesterday our US visa's have been approved :-) Exciting times.

Lungs are better, The Prednisone has just made my VERY VERY moody yesterday, turning me into a first class bitch! And that's only 30mg... I used to be on 40mg a day pre-transplant. Body not used to this anymore! Most bittersweet drug EVER. Finishing it on Sat, and the antibiotics will be done a week after Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm American and I'm really excited for you that you get to come see our beautiful coastlines!! Enjoy every minute!