Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The good, the bad and the interesting

The Good: Chris gave me the most awesome suprise when I got an early birthday present... PLANE TICKETS HOME for the long-weekend in August!!! So I'll be home from the evening of the 7th to the evening of the 10th!!! Very excited about that, and definitely the BEST birthday pressie ever!!!

The Bad: I've managed to pick up a cold somewhere :-( Right now my throat is sore and nose all stuffed and I'm tired, but luckily lungs aren't involved, and in bed now trying to keep it that way. Had an x-ray and lung functions done just to make sure (and was suppose to have the lung func done this week anyway) FEV1% is 97% and x-rays are pretty. (although the radiologist asked me if I had a boob job done??? Why in the world would she think that?? Unless she meant a reduction!!!) So anyway, I'm only going back to work on Monday (apart from an hour or 2 tomorrow to do some really important stuff). More worried about my training for the Games. No gym for a week I would guess...

The interesting: Last night's talk by the South African CF Trust was very interesting. Met some cool people and the talk was interesting, so all in all I think the future for CF'ers in SA is looking pretty good. Had a weird feeling when a guy was telling me about his girlfriend's (whom I know) cool new nebuliser called the e-flow or something. By the sound of it it's really cool, but was strange thinking that this nebuliser came out too late for me. I also couldn't help thinking if my old lungs would have been able to make it a few more years had I gotten the aggressive type of treatment they give CFers up here compared to in PE. But that's water under the bridge I suppose.

So for the next few days I shall be taking it easy, checking myself for a temperature or any sign of a cough. Please pray that that doesn't happen and I'll be back training again soon!!!


sunshine rose said...

hey i'm sure you'll be fine. hope you do great in the games!!

ford1206 said...

i will pray that the nasty old stuff will stay out of your lungs and you will be up and about soon

charm said...

Hi I have been following your blog for ages, since just on when you had your transplant and was thrilled to see your photo at the sacf talks with Prof Mer. One of the Sisters, that work at Ward 496 who used to attend my daughter took the photos and low and behold there be you!! lol You look wonderful!!! keep it up and good luck for the games - still following your precious life. Charmaine

Marjolein said...

The E-flow sure is nice.
I got it about 5 months pre transplant I think.
I still use it now for the meds that I still neb.
But the difference is that I now neb one med once and day. So that's quite different from pre tx.

I loved the E-flow then. It made my HS, Pulmozyme and Colimycine go soo much quicker, wished I had gotten one earlier!