Friday, October 3, 2014

5 sleeps!

5 sleeps and 2 days of work.... that's all that lies between us and our holiday! This week has been draining.... I am dead tired at the end of a day, sleep well and wake up just as tired (and with a headache most days). The sure signs that I need a break!!!! Monday was discus prac, Tuesday I worked a bit later and did some toiletry shopping and random admin for our trip, Wednesday was one of those 12-hour-at-my-desk days followed by cell-group meeting. Yesterday worked late again and did more shopping, and today the same. To add to the stress 3 people at work have been sick and I'm so scared I'll get sick before our holiday too :-(

On a more positive note... Got a late birthday pressie from Anto in PE... cute little box with a few little gifts in, including this special sketch that she did...

This weekend we're going to the wedding of Pierre's sister outside of Pretoria. Looking forward to it! Need to get to the gym for a last time as well, and start packing. Yay... excitedness!!!! Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but will also be meeting up with my American friend Anna and her hubby Casey in CT!!! Lots to look forward too... prepare for some AMAZING pics!

P.S. I've edited my last post about the CF trust a bit to be more accurate... check it out again (and make a donation if you can)

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