Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Post-op check-up

Saw surgeon today for check-up (12 days post op). She was very impressed with my progress and incisions look good (the one is a bit bumpy due to apparent bleeding in muscle or something like that but she said my body will absorb it with time). So all good and I can start eating pasta and mashed potato-like food now. She said by mid-December I should be eating like normal again if I chew my food properly. And 2 weeks or so until I can go back to gym, although walking not an issue so might do the CF walk at the zoo this sunday...

Going back for last check-up with the surgeon early in Jan, and have booked full lung check-up on 21 Jan... the day before my 5 year lungaversary. So apart from gynae who needs to reschedule my appointment (was supposed to go 2 weeks ago but she was in a car accident or something and her rooms will reschedule with me when she's better?!) it looks like the rest of this year MAY JUST be doctor-free :-)

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