So in a few hours time, my lungs and I have been together for 6 months... 6 wonderful months. Unfortunately what I got for my 6 month anniversary was a cold :-( My first cold with my new lungs. My throat is SORE and my nose/sinuses are irritating. That's it luckily, but it's just an irritation, and it means I'm not playing squash today :-( I'm also not used to not feeling 100% anymore!!! Before, with my old lungs, I would hardly notice a sore throat or runny nose. When you can't breathe it's irrelevant. Now I notice it, and I actually saw my Dr about it... Strange...
On the up side though, popped in to see the Dr this morning just to get something for my throat and sinus issues, and my lung function/FEV1% is 98% again!!!! I'm SO surprised, because with my throat being on fire and blowing hard being painfull, I thought it would be down a lot since Friday, not up by 6%!!!! And, weirdest of all, my FeNO is HALF of what it was on Friday, being 9!!! I'm REALLY also not sure how that is possible, as a throat or sinus infection would cause a HIGHER reading... So either all the machines were broken, or God is good. The latter being an understatement!!!
My meeting with the ODF went well. We discussed future events and talked about raising awareness etc. ALSO... I'm going to be writing a letter to the donor family this afternoon... It's something I feel very strongly about doing, so I'm glad I'll be doing it now.
Tomorrow morning it's off to Pretoria again!! So you'll only be hearing from me again on Friday evening.
P.S. this is my 200th blog post!!!!
Please tell me you ate the entire cake!!
Happy 6 monthiversary!
I WISH!!! Unfortunately it's only a pic of the best-lloking cake I saw on the net :-( On my way to the shops now, so might get me something nice as a consolation-prize!!!
Yea!!!!! Happy birthday! Celebrate today...everyday...oh, wait, you do that anyway! It's wonderful to see you so healthy. I can only imagine what life was like before. Obviously, you only dreamt of 'living' as now you not only do amazing things but you post about them, too (200? wow!) Thanks for keeping me in the loop. It's fun to read of all my lil SA friend's adventures!
refreshing in ohio, USA
How awesome! I am so happy for you!
Cake sounds a very good idea - celebrate six months of new lungs, celebrate good lung function tests, and comfort food for having a cold. It's a win win idea really...
I keep meaning to say I love the pictures you take. Have you had photography classes or has it all come through practice and a good camera?
Congrats on your first 6 months! It will one of many milestones you will celebrate! I love reading your blog and seeing your pics.
I put a link to your blog on mine. If that is not ok with you, let me know and I will take it down!
Hooray for you again!
kelly... thanks for the huge compliment! I've just always loved taking pics, so it's probably experience, lol!
Allison... of course I don't mind! Will check out your blog!
happy birthday :)
celebrate sommer elke dag!
ek lees gereeld jou blog, dis altyd lekker om te weet hoe dit met jou gaan.
Hi Alice,
I just want to say Congrats on 6 mths. It's an awesome feeling isn't it? I found your blog through Katelyn Elaine's blog. I have CF and had a living donor double lung transplant 4 yrs ago and was very sick prior. I'm also 23!! I wish you all the best!! God is definitely good!
Six months down, a lifetime to go!!
Congrats on your 200th post!! Alice!!! You are very inspiring and I am so happy that you are doing well. I hope that you and that sore throat feel better soon!
Amie in Alabama, USA
Hi Alice
I worked with your mom on South Campus when you were doing BCom, you may remember me.
Congrats on your 6 months, you are doing unbelievably well and you deserve nothing less.
Just wanted to let you know that, thanks to your insistence, I have registered with the ODF and am now an Organ Donor!!!! Now to start on friends and family ....
Love reading your blog, keep up the good work.
Congrats on reaching your 6 month mark along with your 200th post.
Hope your feeling better soon.
Congratulations Alice :)
Laura (UK)
CONGRATULATIONS Alice - that is big and that, despite the cold, your stats so great is even bigger. So happy for you.
Carol (USA)
Congrats on 6 months with your new lungs!! That's awesome!!
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