Monday, May 5, 2008

Busy Day!!

My first day back in JHB was quite busy... the way I like it! Went to the hospital for bloods, x-rays, lung-functions, had lunch with Aviva and Peter, and saw Dr Williams. Everything went great, I'm doing fantastically. NOTHING to complain about! On a funny note though... I know it's their job, but the x-ray people keep telling/asking me about pregnancy and how I really shouldn't be pregnant with all the x-rays I've been getting...mmm...

Antoinette's doctors have still not figured out what's wrong, and I'm still trying to get her to see a Dr here when she eventually comes to visit... but at least I think she's feeling better.

There was an article in the Algoa Sun last Thursday, that I didn't see, because THEY DIDN'T DELIVER OUR COPY!!!! Can you beleive it? We get it every Thursday, but the one Thursday that I'm actually IN the paper we don't get it?!Anyway, luckily the journalist e-mailed me a copy. Struggling to get it on my blog, but look here to see the text... (note that I have figured out how to properly use the 'link' function!) I was also in the Sunday Independant yesterday. The article was about me and 2 other bloggers who had won awards. Thought it was pretty good! Couldn't find it on the internet though...

That's all I can think of right now... Still sad about Sam and all those who don't get lungs in time because of a lack of donors. Hint hint.


Gizela said...

Hallo Alice,
my hart bloei net so vir Sam se familie. Ek is so hartseer dat sy nie betyds longe gekry het nie. Kan net dink hoe jy moet voel. Al die emosies van dankbaarheid, maar ook van hartseer vir haar/hulle.
Bly dat dit so goed gaan met jou. Jy al iets van werk gehoor? En wanneer is jou artikel in O?
Mooi bly, liefde G

Anonymous said...

Hi Alice. Thanks for a great morning at Mill Park together. Thanks also for following me to Boksburg through traffic so I could drop off my car for tuning. You're a brave girl!! When do you want to come over to see the Alex of Eaton video? (Shown by Carte Blanch on Sunday)The pictures you posted from Storms River are wonderfull, so relaxing to look at too, you guys must have had a great time together. Peter Leid (CF Man)

Alice Vogt said...

Hey Gizela! Ek het Donderdag 'n interview! Hoop dit gan goed en dis die tipe werk wat ek wil doen... Artikel Julie eers in O. Of maybe Junie, mar ek dink dis Julie. Sal lat weet!!