Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sick picture

I found this pic of me and Louzanne on Facebook just now (shame on you Carli for putting horrible pics like this on the internet!!!). It was taken exactly 6months ago. Just look at me!!!! I'm BLUE. And pale at the same time. Almost transparent Even my dress is blue!!! I look like death personified. I took my O2 off for the pic, and my sats were probably around 50 or 60%, if not lower...

The other pic of us were taken 2 months or so ago, when she came to visit for the first time. We're actually the same colour now... And the weirdest part is that both pics were taken in summer. In other words they were taken in THE SAME SEASON!!!! All that change happened in the SAME summer!!!!! It just blows my mind...

Just dropped my mom off at the airport a while ago, will post all about the rest of the weekend and some more pics tomorrow!!! Just had to share this...


Anonymous said...

You are looking great Alice.

Laura x

Mandy said...

You look awesome! You can even see that you've "filled in" a little. Your collar bones are filled in, you must be so proud. You're radiant!

Anonymous said...

Alice, you look absolutely wonderful now! Congratulations! Your positive attitude you write about in your article really shines through. All the best!