“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”
Monday, March 31, 2008
Manic Monday
Yesterday was also quite busy, my grandparents from Jansenville came to visit, had coffee and scones with a friend, and spent the evening with Anto and Daniel. We just ATE and watched ‘A lot like love’. Today I also spend the afternoon with a friend, Stephne. Was really cool, and she brought me a Cosmo mag and some yummy filter coffee to keep me busy (and awake!) once I’m back in JHB. Also got chocolates and flowers yesterday! Tonight I’m having having a pizza evening at our house, and seeing the rest of the people I havent had time to fit in during my visit! It has been a very socially productive 10 days!
Tomorrow I’m just going to finish up my packing, having lunch with Daniel, having coffee with Karien, his sister, seeing my PE CF-doctor (looking forward to that very much, his been my Dr since I was like 5 years old!) and don’t know what else!!!! Will update again tomorrow. And PLEASE pray that Tricia gets those lungs soon!!!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Most amazingly awesome and stunning day EVER!!!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sorry, no photo's today!!!
Saw one of my friends yesterday afternoon that I haven’t seen in about 2.5 years! Was awesome, he’s a great guy. He did missionary work on the Doulos Ship for 2 years. I can’t believe how time flies! Feels like just a few months ago that he left, although SO MUCH has happened in between… AND, my parents had some friends over for supper. Among them was my previous GP (not that I really have a GP now, just specialists!), who moved to Namibia (neighbouring country) about 10 years ago! Was so cool to see him again!
Going out for a cocktail/drink (I’ll probably be having hot chocolate though) with Daniel this evening, and having some BRAAIVLEIS (see ‘Jansenville’ post!) afterwards! Yummy!!! Speaking of which, I think I’m seriously starting to gain some weight now! When I was going through my wardrobe deciding what I want to keep, a lot of the pants and a skirt didn’t fit anymore!!! Yay!!! Love this gaining weight thing. Don’t know for how long though!!!
AND… going to STORMS RIVER with Daniel, Anto and Andrew tomorrow!!!!!! This is my favourite place in the WHOLE WORLD!!!!! And the MOST beautiful! A friend who works in George, Leandré, will be meeting us there. We’ll hike/walk, have lunch there, and enjoy the view and SUPER FRESH sea air. The last time I was there was in November 2006. Then I could barely climb one flight of stairs, nevermind walk on one of the trails or up the mountain. I couldn’t even do the 1km walk to the hanging bridge!!! I did take a photo with my phone though, and I often looked at the photo when I felt down and imagined going back there being able to breathe. At one time I actually told my sister that either a) the next time I’m there I’ll be able to breathe, or b) I’m never going to be there again. That was a weird way of thinking about it, but it was true. Although I must say it didn’t really freak me out. I knew that both options involved me being in a much better place! BUT I’M HAPPY WITH OPTION A!!! So needless to say I’m almost jumping out of my skin with excitement!!!! Hope I sleep tonight!!! Will take LOADS of pics…
O yes, and thanks to everyone who comments on my posts!! LOVE getting them!! Keep them coming ;-)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
more bussy-ness...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The journey down to PE...
Wild Wednesday!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tuesday morning
Also saw Karen, my PE physio like I mentioned. Was so cool, showed her my x-rays and everything! Going back tomorrow to see the rest of the people at her practice and she said something about a massage... :-) Will be taking a pic of her and the other lady who did my physio (and was often the only other people I saw during the day).
My sister and I will be having breakfast with Anto this morning, and then the two of us will be doing some sisterly bonding over shopping!!!! Will also pop by my PE lung specialist's office to show off my new lungs as well! So it's going to be another awesome day...
P.s. And I'm a bit stiff from yesterday's walk!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Great evening and early morning walk!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Sunday...
After that my mom and I went for a walk on the 'new' boardwalk at the beach, which is 200m from our house. The boardwalk was finished about a year ago, but I refused to go in a wheelchair and couldn't go walking there, as it was too far for me, even with the portable O2. So I've never been there. And it's great! Can't wait to go again. Also perfect for romantic walks ;-) The second pic is me on the boardwalk...
Had 2 of my cousins, Petra and Melinda come over for tea. Was also great seeing them again. Unfortunately I couldn't see Petra's CUTE little girl who's 16 months old, as I have to stay away from children for now! My sister's boyfriend came over for Sunday Lunch, and now I'm waiting for 2 of my BEST friends, Antoinette (who updated the blog for me) and Daniel, who are busy driving back from an arts festival. They would've been here hours ago, but Daniel locked his keys in the car and they had to wait for the insurance people to come and get it out! They are part of the group of friends that supported me the most during transplant. I had a post somewhere in December, where I vented a bit about the different types of friends that emerge in a 'crisis'. Well the 2 of them (and a few more) really stuck it out with me and did so much for me and kept me entertained and made me 'laugh'/cough and encouraged me all the way. So I literally can't wait to see them. Will definately be posting a pic of us!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I'M HOME!!!!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
All packed up and ready to GO!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Spot the difference!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008
Freezing Monday Morning...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The reason this really hit home today was because today was the first day shopping with friends. And I don't get tired at all anymore and it's all just FUN!!! On the first photo: Carli is the one on the right in the light green top. She's the one who flew up from CT for the weekend. Here we are at a coffee shop in an open space in the middle of the mall EATING!!! We really went all out and stuffed ourselves. It's time for supper now and I can't even think about food. But I want to pick up at least 3kg! So I'll have to eat now-now! In the middle is Suzanne, we've also been friends since we were about 4 or 5, and always walked to school together, back when I COULD still walk relatively easy. So it was a really special day. And of course driving around in my cute car was just the cherry on the top!
I've also done one of the things on my 'to do list'... a sleepover! Carli sleeping over is my first sleepover without worrying about coughing or heavy-breathing. One down and a many more to go!!!! Yeah.... ;-D
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
My HEROES and suprising day!
I ALSO GOT MY CAR THIS AFTERNOON!!!!!! Just picked her up! It's raining outside now, but I'll post a pic of me and her tomorrow! A beautiful charcoal Peugeot 107 demo model!
Another suprise today was when Classic FM phoned me asking if they could do a 5-minute interview in 5 minutes time! I obviously said yes! It was in reaction to the article in the newspaper. It was quite an adrenelin rush, my first time on radio! The article about my transplant in the Times was published today. The link to the article is http://www.thetimes.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=725842 Hope it works! I think it's a great article and hopefully it'll raise awareness about organ donation! Thanks Carly!
So it's been quite a day, even though we were at the flat the whole day, just going out to get the car! Will blog again tomorrow... NOW THAT I HAVE INTERNET!!!!!! YAY!!!! Now I just need a sexy hunk (and a job!) and my life will be complete..