I ALSO GOT MY CAR THIS AFTERNOON!!!!!! Just picked her up! It's raining outside now, but I'll post a pic of me and her tomorrow! A beautiful charcoal Peugeot 107 demo model!
Another suprise today was when Classic FM phoned me asking if they could do a 5-minute interview in 5 minutes time! I obviously said yes! It was in reaction to the article in the newspaper. It was quite an adrenelin rush, my first time on radio! The article about my transplant in the Times was published today. The link to the article is http://www.thetimes.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=725842 Hope it works! I think it's a great article and hopefully it'll raise awareness about organ donation! Thanks Carly!
So it's been quite a day, even though we were at the flat the whole day, just going out to get the car! Will blog again tomorrow... NOW THAT I HAVE INTERNET!!!!!! YAY!!!! Now I just need a sexy hunk (and a job!) and my life will be complete..
they did a great job with the article. Congrats on that and the radio interview!
Awesome article and so nice to see photos of your doctor. You are quite an amazing young lady.
Kelly in Michigan
great article . . . nate referred me :)
Loved the article - so great to get the word out! And boy its fun to keep reading your good news. You look GREAT!
Carol, Ohio
What an awesome day for you. I read the article. Nate posted it on his blog. I'm glad you're helping to give recognition to a very worthy cause. God bless you.
Hi Alice! I've been following your blog for a few weeks now. There are quite a few of us CF-ers over here in the UK who read it regularly and we are all so happy for you! I am a close friend of Emily Thackray whose blog you mentioned inspired you to start yours. Together we set up a national charity here in the UK that promotes organ donation: www.livelifethengivelife.co.uk
I'm hoping to fly over to South Africa on 26th March for 2 weeks for a wedding, (if I can get rid of this infection that is!) Hope the weather is nice! Take care xxx
Alice, I got this weird and wonderful, goose-bummy feeling when I read your blog and the newspaper article today. I think it was God speaking to me. You are going to make such waves in SA from now on. I just know it and believe it. You have been given a second chance in life and it hasn't even been 2 months and look where you are going! I'll be cheering for you on Oprah one day. May the Lord keep on blessing you, guiding you, leading you and taking you places where you can keep on making a difference like you do. May our loving God give you wings to fly!
Mooi bly Alice, lekker naweek hou en praat weer Maandag!
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